Cell reference: * (E.g. 47-9-1-3)
Experiment ID: * (E.g. 47)
Position: *
Yeast ID: *
Include mother cells    daughter cells    both
Number of division: ≥ D ≥  
Growth rate during the unbudded phase of the cell cycle: ≥ µb ≥  
Growth rate during the budded phase of the cell cycle: ≥ mb ≥
Mother/bud volume ratio upon division: ≥ asy ≥
Overall duration of cell cycle: ≥ Tdiv ≥


    Duration of cell cycle at G1: ≥ Tg1 ≥
    Duration of cell cycle at S: ≥ Ts ≥
    Duration of cell cycle at G2/M: ≥ Tg2 ≥
    Duration of cell cycle at Anaphase: ≥ Tana ≥
Overall cellular volume: ≥ Vdiv ≥


    Cellular volume at G1: ≥ Vg1 ≥
    Cellular volume at S: ≥ Vs ≥
    Cellular volume at G2/M: ≥ Vg2 ≥
    Cellular volume at Anaphase: ≥ Vana ≥
    Cell volume (including bud) at birth: ≥ Vbirth ≥
    Cell volume (including bud) at end of G1: ≥ Vg1b ≥
    Cell volume (including bud) at end of S: ≥ Vsb ≥
    Cell volume (including bud) at end of G2/M: ≥ Vg2b ≥
    Cell volume (including bud) at end of Anaphase (division): ≥ Vanab ≥
    Volume variation during the whole cell cycle: ≥ ΔVdiv ≥
    Volume variation during G1: ≥ ΔVg1 ≥
    Volume variation during S phase: ≥ ΔVs ≥
    Volume variation during G2/M: ≥ ΔVg2 ≥
    Volume variation during Anaphase: ≥ ΔVana ≥
Overall bud volume: ≥ Vbdiv ≥


    Bud volume at G1: ≥ Vbg1 ≥
    Bud volume at S: ≥ Vbs ≥
    Bud volume at G2/M: ≥ Vbg2 ≥
    Bud volume at Anaphase: ≥ Vbana ≥
Overall nuclear volume: ≥ Vndiv ≥


    Nuclear volume at G1: ≥ Vng1 ≥
    Nuclear volume at S: ≥ Vns ≥
    Nuclear volume at G2/M: ≥ Vng2 ≥
    Nuclear volume at Anaphase: ≥ Vnana ≥
*You can enter several items separated with a space.
© Tassy Olivier / Gilles Charvin